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LinkedIn VIP Package

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($3000.00)$3000.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (2x $1050.00)2x $1050.00

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I hired Louise for a LinkedIn VIP Day. It was one of the best investment we have made. 

 I have had my LinkedIn account for years, but didn't fully understand several features or had a good approach for engaging with past and recent connections.

 In 3 hours, Louise held our hand, walked us thru the key areas of the platform, and helped us optimize our profile to clarify our messaging.

 We were able to learn what would've taken us WEEKS to figure out on our own. We were able to walk away with a simple LinkedIn strategy and roadmap to clarify our messaging and increase engagement on LinkedIn.

Rocio Baeza
CyberSecurity Base, USA

LinkedIn VIP Intensive$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xLinkedIn VIP Intensive$0

All prices in USD

2 x 90 minute personalised training sessions focusing on YOUR LinkedIn personal account

Following our initial training,  get the ongoing support you need with three monthly strategy sessions

 Fully optimized LinkedIn profile to help you win business

 Learn what type of content to share with your network, what works, when to post, and HOW to write posts that your network will engage with

 How to find the right people to connect with

 How to use LinkedIn messaging to get into one-to-one conversations

 How to convert your connections into warm leads who want to buy from you

I just finished a VIP training session with Louise and I am SOOO thrilled. Admittedly, I thought that my profile was pretty buckled up with only a few enhancements needed, but there was SOOO much more that Louise was able to identify for me to enhance my profile (and she was really kind about it :). 

LI changes so frequently that it is nice to work with someone who can quickly point out the DOs and DON’Ts. In addition, we covered so much ground on how to properly find and connect my target audience as well as share meaningful content and engagement. 

Louise really FAST TRACKED my ability to enhance my profile and my strategy to use LI meaningfully. 

 I would highly recommend her VIP Training if you want to GET IT DONE!

Rosalyn Stewart 
